Jalandhar: When langar is already an integral part of the farmers’ protests at Delhi border and villagers are sending pinnis to keep them in good heal.
Ludhiana: Quoting an old tweet of Ludhiana MP Ravneet Singh Bittu against actor singer Diljit Dosanjh in their ongoing social media spat backfired for.
tnnLudhiana: Local bodies department principal secretary AK Sinha has issued a charge-sheet to municipal corporation town planner Monica Anand on the .
Ludhiana: Amid resentment from the occupants, the municipal corporation officials removed almost 200 illegal structures along Buddha Nullah near the D.
Ludhiana: The announcement by the All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) on Wednesday to observe a nationwide ‘chakka jam’ from December 8 if the .
Ludhiana: Worried over slowdown caused in the industry due to coronavirus and unprecedented losses, businessmen here are now eyeing modernisation of t.
tnnLudhiana: Two members of a wedding band were killed and five of their co-workers injured, four of them seriously, after the sports utility vehicle .