- 5th October, 2020 Hindustan Times
- 4th October, 2020 Hindustan Times
- Lifting of Sunday lockdown brings back life to Ludhiana markets
Lifting of Sunday lockdown brings back life to Ludhiana markets - Ludhiana: Burglars strike at garment shop, flee with ?5,000 cash, clothes
Ludhiana: Burglars strike at garment shop, flee with ?5,000 cash, clothes - Man thrashed, robbed of ?50,000 in Ludhiana
Man thrashed, robbed of ?50,000 in Ludhiana - UPSC civil services prelims: 46% attendance recorded in Ludhiana
UPSC civil services prelims: 46% attendance recorded in Ludhiana - Road mishaps snuff out three lives in Ludhiana
Road mishaps snuff out three lives in Ludhiana
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