Ludhiana: The Covid-19 spread has forced the state government to impose certain restrictions on weddings and even bhog ceremonies and this has come as.
Ludhiana: With an aim to tackling the horticulture waste being generated in public parks and city the MC officials have started making compost pits in.
Times News Network Ludhiana: Five men ran their SUV over a 45-year-old woman while escaping after thrashing her landlord’s son in Guru Nanak Pura on B.
TNN Ludhiana: With the surfacing of a Covid-19 case in the building of College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, the departments housed there (that of.
Ludhiana: Two days before he tested positive for Covid-19, Ludhiana district public relation officer (DPRO) Puneet Pal Gill accompanied Punjab health .
TAKE NOTETNNLudhiana: City businessmen are claiming that some banks are not accepting Rs 10 and Rs 20 notes from them due to which they are facing hug.
Ludhiana: Confusion prevails over the even-odd system of opening of non-essentials’ shops on weekdays, as under the five-day working system, on some w.
TNNLudhiana: Nine persons from the district died of Covid-19 at various hospitals of the state, while 171 from Ludhiana and 18 from outside tested pos.